
Understanding South Africa's

New 'Beneficial Ownership' Reporting Requirements

for Companies

In a significant move to enhance transparency and combat financial crimes such as money laundering and terrorism financing, the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of South Africa has recently introduced amendments to the Companies Act 71 of 2008. These amendments focus on the concept of “beneficial ownership,” requiring companies to provide and regularly update beneficial ownership information. This move is a critical step in safeguarding the integrity of corporate structures and ensuring accountability.

The Mandate for Beneficial Ownership Reporting

Under the revised Companies Act, the CIPC is empowered to mandate companies to disclose and maintain records of beneficial ownership information. This represents a pivotal shift in corporate accountability, aiming to curb the misuse of corporate entities for illicit activities. The amendments emphasize the importance of identifying ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of registered entities and curtailing the exploitation of corporate structures for money laundering and terrorism financing.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Compliance with the new beneficial ownership reporting requirements is not merely a suggestion—it’s a legal obligation. Failure to adhere to the regulations surrounding the establishment and maintenance of beneficial ownership registers constitutes an offence under the Companies Act. Those who do not comply may find themselves subject to a compliance notice and administrative penalties.

Who Does it Apply to?

The scope of the new requirements targets individuals who possess more than a 5% beneficial ownership in a company or close corporation. This threshold ensures that individuals with a substantial stake in a company are accounted for and transparently recorded.

Defining Beneficial Owners

A beneficial owner is an individual, whether directly or indirectly, who holds 5% or more of a company’s ownership or exercises effective control over the company. The notion of beneficial ownership extends beyond a mere ownership percentage; it encompasses factors like control over voting rights, the ability to appoint or remove board members, and holding beneficial interests in securities.

Filing Requirements and Complex Structures

Entities affected by the regulations are obligated to file their beneficial ownership information. This involves submitting certified identification documents and a comprehensive disclosure form. Importantly, complex ownership structures involving juristic persons and trusts must also be detailed in the disclosure.

Affected vs. Non-Affected Companies

“Affected companies” are those that fall under specific regulatory criteria or are subsidiaries of such companies. These entities are mandated to file Beneficial Interest Registers as specified in the regulations. On the other hand, companies that do not meet the “affected company” criteria must file Securities Registers containing beneficial ownership information.

Special Considerations for Nonprofit Companies

Nonprofit organisations must also adhere to the new regulations. They are required to provide information about their members and those who exercise effective control over the organisation. This aligns with the definition of beneficial owners under the amended Act.

Updating Beneficial Ownership Information

Change is an inherent part of the business landscape, and the regulations recognize this. Companies must update their Beneficial Ownership Registers within 10 days of any changes in beneficial ownership. This ensures that the information remains current and accurate.

How Vos Accounting & Tax Can Streamline Your Compliance

Navigating the intricate landscape of South Africa’s new beneficial ownership reporting requirements can be a complex task. At Vos Accounting & Tax, we understand the importance of staying compliant while managing your core business operations. Our team of seasoned experts is well-versed in the nuances of the amended Companies Act and its impact on your company’s reporting obligations.

Whether you’re an affected company, a nonprofit organisation, or simply seeking clarity on your beneficial ownership obligations, we’re here to guide you through the process. Our tailored solutions ensure that your beneficial ownership information is accurately compiled, filed, and updated within the stipulated time frames. Partner with Vos Accounting & Tax to seamlessly navigate these regulatory changes, allowing you to focus on your business growth while we handle the compliance complexities.